Rounds 4-7 are not held live – GMs are required to submit a draft list for those rounds (destination TBD) by the end of day the following Tuesday. While it is acceptable for a list to simply state "Choose the highest NA player available from the CSB rankings", a more detailed list is ALWAYS preferred. Lists should be sent to Brock Otten at wiger_33@hotmail.com AND Sean Keogh at sean_k_18@hotmail.com.
2. Live Draft Location
The draft will be held in the HFNHL's chat room on the Slack app.
The chat room will also be open prior to the draft for teams wishing to discuss trades
(in fact, in past years there has been significant chat activity in the days leading up to the draft).
We advise that all GMs take the opportunity to check into the chat room at some point in the days prior to the draft
to ensure you can connect.
3. Responsibility of GMs
IF YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND, you must submit a list detailing your preferred selections
(Email to Brock Otten at wiger_33@hotmail.com AND Sean Keogh at sean_k_18@hotmail.com) no later than 11:59 PM (EDT)
on Friday a week before the NHL draft. You may give another GM written permission to draft for you, in the form of an e-mail
to the Commissioner cc’d to your delegate.
However, it is still *strongly* suggested that you provide a draft list, as you will be held responsible should the designated GM fail to attend and draft for you. (Frankly, it’s recommended that all GMs submit a list or instructions – even if they plan to attend - as a precaution in the event of unforeseen complications, such as connection issues, car accident, a giant asteroid hitting the earth, etc.).
Please note that Assistant GMs must also receive permission to make selections for their team, via advance notification to the Commissioner. In the event that the Commissioner is himself unable to attend the draft, another league member will be appointed to handle draft instructions, etc.
4. Failure to Fulfill GM Responsibilities
Short of regularly submitting lines, there's nothing more vital to a GM's duties than
participating in the entry draft. Should you fail to have your team represented at the live draft,
either in person or through clear instructions provided on time, you will face termination from
your GM position. The same is true of failure to submit instructions regarding rounds 4-7
of the draft (even if you decide to forgo your remaining picks, you must do so through active instruction, not default).
Picks for absent teams will be made based upon the CSB skater rankings (NA player will be chosen in the event of a tie with a Euro player in the rankings). *Remember: any GM who does not show and make no arrangements for their draft will forfeit their team*.
5. Draft Eligibility – General
Prospects eligible to be drafted include those on the CSB final rankings
( http://www.nhl.com/ice/draftprospectbrowse.htm ).
More generally, all North American players born on or between dates that correspond the the NHL rules
who have not already been drafted by an HFNHL team.
International players must be born between between dates set by the corresponding NHL draft. Simplest way to sort out if an International player (who has played in NA) should be considered under the NA or International draft eligibility criteria is as follows:
- If *not* already drafted by an NHL team, base it on where they played this past season
- If already drafted by an NHL team, base it on where they were playing in the season prior to being drafted by the NHL.
6. Draft Eligibility – NHL vs. HFNHL
Be aware that there are several players that are still available to be drafted in the NHL
(or are shown as eligible on the 2013 CSS Draft list) that have already been drafted in the HFNHL.
The reverse is also true: players drafted in the NHL may not have been drafted in the HFNHL.
A review of the final CSB list to indicate those listed players that have already been drafted will be posted on HFBoards. but it is not guaranteed to be 100% complete, so it is ultimately up to the individual GM to determine whether the player they wish to draft is in fact available. *Picks made on players who have already been drafted will be forfeited.*
7. Draft Eligibility – Opt-outs
Prospects are no longer able to opt-out of the entry draft any player with a birthdate in the window is eligible.
For unranked players, it is up to the GM to provide evidence that the player’s birth-date makes them eligible.