Today Transactions for HockeysFuture NHL
Update - Saturday, June 16, 2012 at 06:12
[6/16/2012 6:12:32 AM] - Kings wins the playoff!
[6/16/2012 6:12:32 AM] - In between playoff round rest day - All players have rest for one day.
[6/16/2012 6:12:32 AM] - Playoff Final Round - All players have rest for one day.
[6/16/2012 6:12:32 AM] - Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Alexander Steen (4-5-9) / 2 - Milan Hejduk (3-3-6) / 3 - Vaclav Prospal (5-0-5)
[6/16/2012 6:12:24 AM] - Successfully loaded Kings lines done with STHS Client -
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